God's Word is true and I'm a liar—just like you. Also, we all underline different parts of our Bible.
Guest speaker and good friend Rev. Ken Chitwood talks about the importance and challenges of following Jesus in community with other followers.
The messy landscape of following Jesus and doing His work where you might get a little on you.
The mysterious meal that is supposed to unite believers with Jesus and each other. Why can't we all get along? Oh, yeah—sin. Good thing the body and blood of Jesus also grants us forgiveness. Em why ess tea Eee are why.
How to pray without sinning, annoying your friends and God is listening.
If we want to see miracles happen, what are we supposed to do? Punch a brick?
Jesus invites us to follow Him and gives some strange instructions before we begin.
Highly valued but nearly universally misunderstood, actual freedom will only be found in one place.
Strange as it sounds, the point is not to grow.
Sometimes we are sad for no good reason.
How to deal with wounds from family members.
The one where we learn how to follow Jesus in our work.
In which Kemper tells the five most important things about him. And it rains so hard you can hear it.
Jonah Part Three B. What happens if we do what God asks of us?
In which Kemper tells of the great fish god of Nineveh.
Jonah Part Two B. Gaining perspective through dark times.
Introduction to Jonah Part Two A.
Jonah Part One B. Knowing what it right. What does it mean to surrender to God and what if we don't?
Introduction to Jonah Part One A.
Everyone knows God. Even smartie-pants teenage boys who walk around pretending to be atheists when they are fourteen-years-old. Psalm 19.
In which we learn surprising truth about Jesus' true family and who we really are.
If we started a new church, cleared the slate and started fresh, if we opened God’s Word and let it speak—what would that church be like?
How God answers prayers—According to Jesus.