Gather 'round children of all ages. This is the story that all the fuss is about. Do you want to know how to trust God more than your eyes can see?
God came to us. He didn’t wait for us to come to Him, or for us to make the first move. That’s how love works. We pursue the people we love. Remember that tomorrow when you’re around all the people you love. Go to them. Talk with them. Listen to them.
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What do we know about Jesus coming back? Was Christmas really on December 25th? What about all that pagan origin of Christmas stuff? Plus, Pastor Frank talks about The Rapture, and there's a blessing that you probably need to hear.
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Joy To The World The LORD Is Come. Really?
Peace On Earth and Goodwill to Men. Where?
If you're looking for a little Christmas encouragement when 2020 seems to be crushing all the holiday spirit. Here's a message on hope, just in the nick of time!
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It’s possible this is the most important message you’ll ever hear. Getting down to the nitty-gritty. How the things we do, our actions, our deeds—are either going to flow from our faith and build up our relationships, or we’ll just continue being the selfish, petty, judgmental jerks we’ve always been. We have to pursue the people we love. Make time for them. You Go First.
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The heart wants what the heart wants. But my heart is a punk that wants me to die of diabetes and morbid obesity. You should never listen to your heart. But you should talk to it and discipline it. The secret to good relationships starts here.
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Relationships are hard. This is the first in a series of messages that will show us what God's Word has to say about how to have good relationships. In this first one, Pastor Frank talks about how we create the reality we’re going to live in with our words. Whether that reality is going to be filled with tension and anger and bitterness. Whether it’s going to be filled with discouragement, nagging, putting each other down. Or whether our lives are going to be filled with love, joy, peace, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control. (Galatians 5:23)
Join us Sunday. God has hope for you here.
Watch this, Trump voters.
The pressing question isn’t who’s going to be president in January. The pressing question is can we turn from our idols and false beliefs and turn back to the Lord? We need to trust in Him alone. We need to stop putting faith in the things of this world.
“The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you.”
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What are the top two issues at stake for voters who are Christians?
#1 - Abortion (Can we vote for a pro choice candidate?)
#2 - Freedom of Worship (Is it at risk?)
Pastor Frank also talks about character in political leaders and how we have to hold them accountable. God judges nations based on their leaders and their laws. This is heavy stuff.
There is also hope. Gospel. Absolution.
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God has Hope for you here.
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You're probably all dug in on which candidate you're going to vote for (or have already voted for). You want to know how to vote like a Christian, though? Listen up.
God calls His people to make a difference in the city, state, and nation where they live. God judges nations based on their leaders and their laws. Our faith must not be compartmentalized but must go with us into the voting booth.
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Faith Vs Science. How We Can Know the Christian Faith is True, and Whether Jesus Really Existed or Not.
If you or someone you know has ever struggled with whether Christianity is true or not—you don't want to miss this one.
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Pastor Frank talks about God not caring which religion you believe in, as long as you believe in something.
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What can you say if someone thinks all Christians are hypocrites? Pastor Frank shows you how to defend your faith and make a simple defense move to the Gospel.
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When you’re asked to defend your faith, you have to be ready. And you have to be prepared to do it gently and respectfully.
Why is it important? You need to realize it’s the only thing that’s important.
God has hope for you here.
If you don’t delight in God’s Law, then you’ll be destroyed by the problems and sin in your life. Obeying God is not supposed to be a drag. Delighting in God's Commands is the only path to a happy life. Listen up, this one will make you glad.
God has Hope for you here.
What's the difference between when you keep the commandments and when you don't? Difference between a Christian and everyone else. Pastor Frank talks about what happened on the first day of the Ten Commandments.
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Whatever you want—what you really, really want—matters. A lot. I'll also tell you the only cure for discontentment. You want to be happy and satisfied with your life? Well come on.
God has hope for you here.
Kemper lays out the simple yet complex key to being able to tell true conspiracies from false conspiracies. "May you live in interesting times. We are swimming in conspiracy theories: Trump is a racist. Michelle Obama is actually a man. A secrete tribunal has replaced celebrities and leaders with clones. Bill Gates oversaw the genesis of COVID19. The government created AIDS to wipe out homosexuals. Many of our leaders are alien lizard people. Our society is systemically racist. (Some of these are likely true.)"
You will either know the truth by having faith in Jesus, or you will be ground to dust because of your unbelief. You should probably listen to this.
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One big reason why our world is in the mess that it’s in is because we don’t trust anyone anymore. We don’t trust the media, we don’t trust the experts, we don’t trust our elected officials. The eighth commandment is “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” There's a lot wrapped up in this one. No lie.
This week we talk about the sexy commandment. Adultery. How to be a human being, it seems like too many people have forgotten.
Pastor Frank talks about all the times he's murdered people. It's a lot more than you might think. As a bonus, he'll also accuse you of terrible crimes and then offer you more grace than the world can stand.
God has hope for you here.
First, a really interesting story about road rage and shame. Then, a bunch of interesting thoughts about the full implications of what "honor your father and your mother" means in all the areas of our lives. Sometimes in order to honor people, we have to wrestle with them and push them a little closer to what honorable really looks like. Of course eventually we get to how Jesus turns this into something amazing for all of us. Seriously, this is a good one to listen to with your kids. Or your boss, but that might be weird.
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There’s not enough time. Not enough money. Then, as we get older—not enough energy. The world keeps going crazy. Life gets more and more insane all the time. God says We’ll get more done in 6 days than we will in 7 if we dedicate one of those days to Him. If we get together with the local church and remember the hope we have in Jesus. This is what church is, it’s resting in Jesus.
Yes, it’s a command. Yes, God is serious about it. But it’s a command to come to Jesus for rest. It’s a command that should sound really sweet to our ears.
The second commandment isn't so much about cursing and swearing, it's more about how we represent the name of the LORD. How we speak of God. We’re supposed to be the kind of people who fear and love God so much that His name sounds sweet on our lips. Lift up the name of the LORD, bless His holy name, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, and His mercy endures forever.
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What gods do you like better than God? Continuing in our "How To Be A Human Being" series on the Ten Commandments. It's fun to have your mind blown, isn't it.
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