This is a story about two lost sons. Which one do you relate to the most?
I think we all start off as the prodigal son. We make a mess of our lives (“Reckless living.” “extravagant.” Wasteful with everything God gave us.) then we come back to the Father, and find out how merciful and forgiving He is with us—He takes us back no matter what we’ve done and we just stand in His presence interrupted by grace, thankful for His kindness and generosity. Fully restored.
But then, after just a short time, too many of us become like the older brother.
Disown your heavenly Father at your own risk. Raise your fist to heaven and say, “I’m sick of You, I’m sick of Your church, I’m sick of your rules, I’m sick of waiting to die before I can have all those good things You’ve promised me in heaven!” If you live like there is no God, ignore His wisdom, selfishly grasp for wealth and pleasure recklessly—find out where that gets you.
Well, our prodigal punk had sunk as low as he was going to go. He came to himself—came to his senses. This is his story and it directly affects all of us.
You will be interrupted by grace.
God has Hope for you here.
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